Man, it had been some time since I'd watched Adventure Time. I had all but forgotten about how completely fantastic these title cards were. Even after doing some digging around the world wide web, I still can't find any accreditation for who whipped these beauties up, but if you know, feel free to tweet at me and I'll amend the post. In the meantime, feast you eyes on this weathered goodness, evocative of shows of a bygone era. It's a wonderful balance of the old world title cards with a fresh take on lighting and type. But it's not just the execution that stands apart. Pendleton Ward has created a vibrant world, rich in history and creativity. These cards are but a peek into this outrageously imaginative world.
If you're not watching about Finn and Jake's adventures throughout the Land of Ooo, might I recommend you pick up an episode or two? You're sure to chuckle or you might have no soul. But hey, no one's judging.
On a related note, kaBoom! has been putting out a few different Adventure Time comics—of which, I've heard great things. Haven't read any of them myself, but you can check them out with the confidence of the internet's seal of approval. What more could you want?